Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's a Birthday!!!

Well, today is my wonderful husband's 25th birthday (I know, I know, he is such a baby!).

I always have quite the delema figuring out not only what to get him for holiday's like this or Christmas or our anniversary or Valentine's day or...well, you get the idea, but also how to keep him from figuring out what I got him before the actual holiday. The problem is that he never wants anything...I mean, anything I can actually afford. He loves Mustangs (the car) and has one he is working on fixing up, but rarely is there something for the car that fits within our gift budgets. So the usual response to the "what do you want for your birthday" question is "I don't know." So, this year he actually gave me 3 ideas, and I picked 2 of them to purchase. One of them is a set of floor mats for his Mustang, that he sent me a link to via email one day a couple of weeks ago. I ordered them this past week and actually expected them to be delivered no surprise ruined, I planned to tell him today what was coming tomorrow. However, on Friday when I checked the UPS tracking I discovered that they were scheduled for delivery on Friday...but again, no worries, I work from home on Fridays, so I would be there to get them. Unfortunately, they weren't delivered before we left to go out to dinner at 4:30 but when we stopped back by the house after dinner so that Stuart could just run in and pick something up before going out again, he discovered the box sitting on our front porch...surprise #1 ruined...he knew what it was just from the box.

So my second present (and also my deal of the week) was "The Dark Knight" on BlueRay...every place I had looked at this movie it was $30 or more. Last weekend I thought about looking for it at Walmart and guess what their regular, non-sale price for it was???? $20...for a BlueRay!!! I was so excited, except there was one problem...they were sold out. So I went back to Walmart 2 more times last weekend, and they were always sold out. So Wednesday night, Stuart had a meeting to go to and as soon as he left I (and my kid) ran out immediately to Walmart to see if they had gotten it in stock. And they had!!! I was thrilled. So I bought it and hurried home to hide it before Stuart could see it. And I found out this morning, I finally did it! I finally surprised him. He thought the floor mats were it, but surprise!! There was more!

I know this is a silly accomplishment, but after 5 years of trying, I finally did it! (and yes, I realize that on a day that is supposed to be all about him, I have managed to make this all about me! I am amazing that way!)

Anyways, Happy Birthday, Stuart! I love you!

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