Friday, October 30, 2009

Reusable Pumpkin Art

In the fall, I really enjoy driving down the road and looking at everyone's natural fall decor (the beautifully colored leaves) and other outdoor fall/halloween decorations. However, until now, I haven't had any of my own other than a yard full of leaves from the 2 huge trees in our yard.
After reading a few of my favorite blogs (this one, this one, and this one) learning all about their fall decorations or favorite fall things, I got inspired. Last weekend, I went to Michael's and they had their fake pumpkins, both orange and white, on sale. I purchased two of them, one large white one and one medium orange one...which Julie proceeded to carry (and drop) around the entire store...pretty cute.
This week I did some simple internet research for some pictures and letters to trace or copy and then I started work on them this afternoon. Here are my supplies (the bats I printed off of one of the blogs and then cut out; the G, for our last name, was found with a Google search).

The next step was to tape the letter and pictures into place on the pumpkins...which is tricky when my kid wants to sit on my lab and "help". But we managed to get it done!

Then I simply took a pen and traced the images (I did only have 2 bat cutouts, but just traced them once and then moved the bats and traced them again).

Then I took the papers off and using a Sharpie, traced and colored in the G and the bats.

Finally, I just finished the white one up with some free-hand-drawn bugs and worms. Here are the final products.

Here they are, now decorating my tiny porch beautifully!

The whole process only took me about an hour today...easy peasy!!!